Order Inquiry

At the moment, our international online-shop is still under construction and delivery to certain countries may be difficult due to COVID-19 pandemic restrictions. Nevertheless, we will already happily take your order inquiries and requests. If you are interested in the AirCare+ respirator mask, you can contact us via the contact form below.

Unfortunately, we have recieved the information that our replies are automatically marked as “spam” by some email-programs. Please check your “spam” folder in the days following your request. We will always try to get back to you as soon as possible.

Our Starter-Set is available for only EUR 29.90 right now. The set comprises one silicone mask, two straps and the two different filter housings, in addition to five matching filters for each of the two housings.

Both filter types can be reordered. The filter pack containing 10 filter sheets is available for EUR 8.95.

As soon as our online-shop goes live, the AirCare+ mask will be available in the following colors:

Light grey mask
Light grey filter housing

Dark blue mask
Dark blue filter housing

Dark grey mask
Dark grey filter housing

Transparent mask
Light grey filter housing

Large scale retail customers benefit from high adaptability of the AirCare+ mask. We will gladly work with you on a customized solution and we will aim to integrate your ideas and propsitions into the design of the mask, concerning the choice of colors.